For third grade, Caroline only has one IEP (individual education plan) goal. This one little goal is reading comprehension. She has trouble reading a story and answering "WH" questions; when, where, what..
In third grade it is mandatory that the kids get 9 "AR" (accelerated reading) points each 9 weeks. I'm sure they won't count off for special needs kids but I'm taking away that label from our vocabulary and pushing Caroline to do her best. So, She was making 20's and 0's on her AR tests. The teachers and I tried different strategies and nothing was working.
Caroline has been begging for a DSI XL for about 4 months and I tell her she has enough electronics and she is not getting anything else. Well, I caved. I told her if she made 90 to 100 until Christmas then I would get her a game. I knew I was safe, good grief she was making 0's and 20's. She took a test the next day and made a 100. When she saw me at afternoon she said, "Mom, the book was very interesting". That little stinker!!! I told her the jig was up and she better make 100's on every test. I can't believe her.
She is doing very well on subject tests also. I have a set of books at home and we go over the material at least twice a week that they cover in class.
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