
The Journey

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Frankincense Essential Oil – 25 Ways to Use It

1. Calming and uplifting: you can simply wear Frankincense essential oil as a perfume throughout the day. Its soothing and calming effect will help you fight stress more efficiently.
2. Pain relief: Frankincense essential oil has powerful pain relief properties. If you suffer from arthritis or you have a painful injury, you can simply rub a few drops of the oil into the affected area. The results will be almost immediate.
3. Respiratory infections treatment: Frankincense is effective in terms of combating shortness of breath and coughing related to respiratory infections. Put a few drops in a diffuser and inhale.
4. Asthma Relief: Alternatively, you can rub frankincense essential oil on your chest or throat, depending on the type of infection. Rubbing the essential oil on your chest is a good asthma remedy.
5. Oily skin treatment: the essential oil regulates sebum production. Place a few drops on a wet cotton ball and dab on the problematic areas – the forehead, nose and chin.
6. Anti-septic: applied directly to wounds, frankincense has powerful anti-septic qualities. The fumes of the oil can also be used to disinfect a room.
7. Stronger immune system: massage a few drops into your feet every day. Diffusing the essential oil throughout your home will also help you strengthen your immune response, especially during flu season.
8. Stronger memory and attention: frankincense can help you concentrate and improve your mental performance at work or school. Apply to the bottom of the feet, inhale by placing a couple drops in your hand and inhaling deeply.  You can also apply a few drops to the base of the neck (top of spine) This also will help you focus.
9. Healthy and young skin: the oil helps skin regeneration, making the appearance of skin more youthful. Use a few drops on a cotton ball to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
10. Treat skin allergies: skin allergies can be really irritating because of the itchiness and the swollen, red patches. Apply a few drops of the oil to the area that is most itchy. You will soon feel the soothing effect.
11. Scar tissue treatment: do you have old scars from acne or stretch mark that you want to get rid of? Rubbing frankincense oil into the skin area will result in the quicker fading of the scars.
12. Warts removal: apply a few drops to the wart at least two times per day. Repeat until it disappears.
13. Better digestion: taking a few drops of frankincense in a gelatin capsule will help you combat indigestion and acid reflux by speeding up the secretion of digestive juices.
14. Control inflammations: to control inflammatory responses, apply frankincense oil topically or take a few drops in a gelatin capsule.
15. To treat poor circulation, ask somebody to perform a whole body massage on you with frankincense oil. You can also dilute the oil in your bath to achieve the same result.
16. For heavy periods: ladies that suffer from heavy and painful periods can dilute a few drops of frankincense oil in their bath. Frankincense diminishes the heavy blood flow and decreases the severity of PMS symptoms.
17. Keep gums healthy: rubbing a few drops of frankincense oil into your gums will keep them healthy. The essential oil has astringent qualities.
18. Sun spots: Apply daily to sun spots, and freckling caused from sun exposure on skin.  I have seen big improvements on my face from doing this daily.  The spots are fading very quickly.
19. Better vision: rubbed on the temples and around the eyes, frankincense results in better eyesight. Repeat daily for a couple of months.
20. Fight brittle nails: to fight nail brittleness, place a drop of the oil on the nail itself and rub gently. The nail will absorb the frankincense, which will result in strengthening and better nail health.
21. Anti-cancer qualities: Some studies confirm the fact that frankincense oil has powerful anti-cancer qualities. Use topically on the reflex points on the feet. Adding a drop of frankincense to your beverage would also deliver results. You can also apply frankincense down the spine and base of neck.
22. Treat ulcers: to treat ulcers, take a few drops of frankincense oil in a gelatin capsule on a daily basis.
23. Improve your overall health: to improve your health, prepare a mix of one tablespoon of honey, one drop offrankincense oil and one glass of freshly made apple juice. Take daily.
24. Speed up insect bite healing: to deal with the unpleasant consequences of insect bites, apply a few drops topically to the swollen spot. Frankincense will provide relief from the itching and the pain.
25. Diuretic: frankincense oil is a diuretic that promotes better kidney and liver function for hepatitis as it speeds up the removal of toxins from the body. Take a few drops in a gelatin capsule daily.  There have also been reports of liver levels improving by adding a few drops of frankincense oil to a glass of water each day

Thursday, July 11, 2013

One Essential Oil can help all this!!!

                                    Essential Oils that help the thyroid

                                     and look what else they help.




1     Carrot Seed

Daucus carota

Carrot seed essential oil is used as a tonic, stimulant, kidney and digestive disorders, liver regenerator and to help control cholesterol. It used externally for skin issues such as burns, eczema, oily skin, skin cancer, psoriasis and wrinkles, water retention and to help regulate the thyroid. Carrot Seed essential oil is believed to provide superior protection from the sun*, and is felt to help a person tan while avoiding burn. It contains antioxidants, which protect cells from free radicals caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Carrot Museum: Carrot See Essential Oil

Anti-Oxidant - aging, wrinkles, joints, eyes, macular degeneration, cancer
Anti-Septic - tetanus, wounds, throat, mouth, colon, stomach, intestines and urinary infections, sores, gangrene, psoriasis, ulcers, rashes, carbuncles
Anti-Viral - respiratory infections, bronchitis, flu, mumps, coughs, colds, measles
Carcinogenic - especially cancer of mouth, throat, stomach, prostate, kidneys
Carminative - gas

Detoxifier - blood, tissues, muscles and internal organs like liver and kidneys, jaundice, uric acid in blood, tissues, muscles and joints, urea, insecticides, pesticides, chemicals, edema, arthritis, gout, rheumatism

Digestive - anorexia, weak digestion
Diuretic - increases urination
Female - regulates menstruation, painful menstruation

Stimulant - circulation, metabolism, hormones, enzymes, gastric juices, bile and the peristaltic motion of the intestines, brain functions, nerves

Tonic - liver, gallbladder, jaundice, liver disorders

Vermifuge - parasites, worms in intestines

Topical: Use neat or dilute 50:50 with a carrier oil and apply 1-2 drops on location as desired.

Inhalation: not typically diffused or used aromatically

Internal: Can be taken internally. Higley's suggests: Generally regarded as safe (GRAS) for internal consumption by the FDA. Dilute with one drop Carrot Seed oil in 1 tsp. honey or 4 oz beverage (i.e. rice/almond milk). Not for children under 6 years old; use with caution and in greater dilution for children 6 years and over.

Avoid eye contact. In case of accidental contact, put a few drops of any pure vegetable oil in the eye. Water will not adequately dilute the oil. We’ve never known this to cause permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your doctor if necessary.

2)   Clove

Highly antimicrobial, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-bacterial, antioxidant, hemostatic (blood thinning), anti-inflammatory. Infectious diseases, intestinal parasites, tuberculosis, respiratory infections, pain, toothache, scabies, and wounds (infected).

Clove oil may prevent contagious disease and may treat arthritis, bronchitis, cholera, cystitis, dental infection, amoebic dysentery, diarrhea, tuberculosis, acne, fatigue, thyroid dysfunction, halitosis, headaches, hypertension, insect bites, nausea, neuritis, dermatitis, rheumatism, sinusitis, skin cancer, chronic skin disease, bacterial colitis, sores (speeds healing of mouth and skin sores), viral hepatitis, warts and lymphoma. (info from Jean Valnet, M.D.)

Compounds from Clove may inhibit growth of oral pathogens Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces visocosus, Potphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia. View Abstract.

Apply on location (dilution with a massage oil is recommended). May be applied neat (undiluted) on palms of hands, bottom of feet and on gums and teeth.

Inhalation: Diffuse (undiluted)

Internal: Add one to two drops in four ounces of water and use as a gargle. May be added to food or water as a dietary supplement. For oral hygiene, rub directly on the gums surrounding an infected tooth. To break tobacco addiction, place a drop on tongue with finger.  For tickling cough, put a drop on back of tongue.

Clove essential oil can act as a blood thinner such as Warfarin or Coumarin. Repeated use can result in contact sensitization. Skin test for sensitivity.

Avoid eye contact. In case of accidental contact, put a few drops of any pure vegetable oil in the eye. Water will not adequately dilute the oil. We’ve never known this to cause permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your doctor if necessary.

3)     Myrtle
  Properties and Usage:

Myrtle has anti-mucolytic properties, is a liver, prostate and thyroid stimulant, sinus and lung decongestant and antispasmodic.

Myrtle is often used for thyroid issues, throat, lung and sinus infections, prostate problems, muscle spasms, skin irritations such as acne, blemishes, bruises, oily skin, psoriasis and so on.

NCBI Abstract: Antibacterial Activity of Mytle

Dilute 50:50 with carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location or as desired.

Inhalation: directly inhale or diffuse

Internal: Add to food or water as a dietary supplement.

Avoid eye contact. In case of accidental contact, put a few drops of any pure vegetable oil in the eye. Water will not adequately dilute the oil. We’ve never known this to cause permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your doctor if necessary.


           Foods to be aware of when you have Hypothyroidism

Foods for Hypothyroidism
Brown Rice
Butter (organic)
Coconut oil - helps regulate thyroid and boost metabolism, dry skin, dandruff
Cod Liver oil
Fish (oily)
Sunflower Seeds

Foods to Limit for Hypothyroidism (These can inhibit absorption of iodine, which is needed by the thyroid.)
Brussel Sprouts
Sweet Potatoes

Foods to Completely Avoid
Soy (non-fermented)
Processed foods
White Flours